Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi is principal of Kurtz-Rossi & Associates, a women-owned business located in Boston, Massachusetts. Her work is informed by her training in education and is driven by her belief in education for transformational change. She is recognized for integrating health and literacy education into Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) programs; and teaching health professionals how to communicate in ways people can understand.
As a health literacy consultant, Sabrina’s areas of expertise include:
- Health literacy curriculum development
- Training health professionals in-person and online
- Teaching in community-based adult education settings
- Plain language writing and editing
- Easy-to-read materials and website development
- Evaluation for program improvement
Sabrina Kurtz-Rossi is Director of the Health Literacy Leadership Institute at Tufts University School of Medicine and Assistant Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine where she teaches health literacy and plain language to health professionals in training and offers health literacy professional development programming to health professionals in practice.