Lorena Sprager brings over 30 years’ experience working with Latinos to promote health, facilitate access to services, and support leadership. Her approach is to honor traditions and build on assets. In Hood River, Oregon, she heads the health literacy firm of Lorena Sprager and Associates, LLC. She is also a Community Health Worker a Nuestra Comunidad Sana (Our Healthy Community) of The Next Door, Inc.
- Conduct user testing with listening sessions, focus groups and individual interviews, Spanish and English
- Adapt materials to plain Spanish language and for cultural appropriateness
- Develop trainings using popular education methodology
- Provide translation, translation quality assurance, and back translation
- Develop and support Community Health Worker programs
Recent work includes:
- Co-author, Language Equity Guide, that promotes new national standards language equity (2019).
- Co-author, The Silent Crisis: How to do Outreach in an Anti-Immigrant Climate. This is a guide for community health workers to support immigrants. It can also be used as an awareness tool for staff that works with immigrants. Available in English and Spanish (2017).
- Co-author, short paper published by the National Academy of Science, Beyond Translation: Promoting a New National Standard for Equity in Health Materials Translated from English (2015).
- Plain Spanish language fotonovela style posters on tuberculosis and queso fresco (fresh cheese) safety (2014).
Lorena is dedicated to providing the highest quality tools that empower Latinos to improve health and wellness.