Janet Ohene-Frempong (o-HEN-ee frem-PONG), president of J O Frempong & Associates, Inc. is a plain language and crosscultural communication consultant with over 25 years of experience in patient/provider communications. Her consulting business provides a range of communication services including consumer research, materials and forms development, program development, presentations, seminars and institution-based coaching in consumer health communications.
Formerly Director of the Health Literacy Project, at the Health Promotion Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania, she has conducted workshops and provided consultation on plain language and cross-cultural communication for a wide range of health information providers, including health care systems, government agencies, health insurers, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, medical publishers, health and human service agencies as well as schools of medicine, nursing and allied health. She is often an invited speaker at national conferences.
Janet is co-author of Literacy, Health and the Law: An Exploration of the Law and the Plight of Marginal Readers within the Health Care System, a monograph for health system and pharmaceutical industry administrators and risk managers.
She is also co-author of a chapter entitled “Health Care for African Americans” in Rethinking Ethnicity and Health Care, a discussion of the role of marginal literacy as one of several barriers to optimal care. She has served on a number of national boards and advisories and is a founding member of the Clear Language Group.
Contact Janet