Clear communication is the “bottom line” of safe, quality patient care.
An aging and increasingly diverse patient population and workforce require new communication approaches and tools. Take advantage of our years of experience and skills to meet these challenges.
CLG’s health care clients include:
- Athens Regional Medical Center
- Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Poison Control Center of Arizona
- Beth Israel Medical Center
- Children’s Healthcare Atlanta
- Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center of Seattle
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
- Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Group Health Cooperative, Seattle
- Harris County Hospital
- HealthWays, Inc.
- Iowa Health System
- L & M Hospital
- Lahey Clinic
- Littleton Regional Hospital
- Maine Medical Center
- Maricopa Integrated Health System
- Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Mercy Caring Health Systems of Ohio
- Middlesex Hospital
- Order of Saint Francis Healthcare System
- Planned Parenthood of New York City
- Siteman Cancer Center
- Washington Hospital Center
- Yale Center for Outcomes Research